Flea & Tick Control Cycle
We recommend year-round flea & tick protection.
The reason behind this recommendation is the life cycle of the flea. If your pet has ever had fleas or if you have ever had a visiting pet that brought fleas with it, you could potentially still have fleas waiting to hatch in your home. When your pet had adult fleas on its body, those fleas laid their eggs and the eggs rolled off of your pet and into your carpet. It isnt until after those eggs hatch and the larva change into their cocoon stage that you have an impending problem. These cocoons, also know as pupae, sit in your carpet and wait. They are waiting for heat (furnace) or moisture (dogs sniffing) or movement (pets walking over the area). Once that happens, those fleas emerge from their happy little cocoons and begin your flea nightmare all over again. Also, if you happen to travel outside of Ohio during the winter your pet may encounter fleas while on vacation.